Teaching vs Coaching: Is there a difference and What is the difference?

In our everyday conversation, teaching and coaching is mostly used interchangeably. A coach is called a teacher in most occasions than not and a teacher as a coach in some occasions. But what’s the difference? Is there any difference? Let’s look into the reasons as to what makes these terms different and why. Sports vs Classroom subjects: You might have noticed in your school/university that those who conducts regular classes on subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc are called teachers. They are called so because they teach you the subjects from scratch. Whether you like it or not, you have to be taught in those subjects that you are enrolled in. Then there is volleyball coach, basketball coach, etc. You get the point, right? Educators involved in sports are often called as a coach. Have you thought about why there are called differently? Anyway, they are teaching (or coaching) you about one or more sports. The main difference in this context is that the teachers ...